
Hello and welcome to my site! Thanks for visiting. Please feel free to browse my original art available for purchase, visit my Etsy store to view and purchase prints, notecards and smaller originals and check out my gallery to view some of my favorite pieces from over the years.

Artist Statement

We are immersed in stories everyday. We use them to instruct, admonish, communicate and most importantly connect. Narratives bring points of view closer together. Tales bring other realms to life. Fables shape our understanding of the world. It is those powers of connection that drive me to create and the desire to shape a better world that inspires the stories I tell.

While young we are encouraged to use our imagination, see the world differently, tell tall tales. But as we age imagination gets edited out of our narratives. My work focuses on telling stories that bring these two perspectives back together and shape a world where the wonder of childhood and the wisdom of adulthood coexist.

Tall Tales and Felted Fables (2018 Show) is a special show bringing together work with different narrative styles. My single frame narrative paintings have a palpable story with an open ended plot. Every viewer tells a slightly different tale. The three dimensional presence of my needle felted sculptures suggests they have fallen out of their fables and into ours. Taking us from viewers to participants. My story board illustrations share an epic journey in a more traditional format while still allowing for interaction between the work and those who see it.


A life long creator in many media, I am currently concentrating on narrative watercolor/mixed media paintings and three dimensional needle felted sculptures. I hold a Bachelors of Science degree from James Madison University where I studied anthropology and art history. Art has always been my passion however so after graduating I became a self taught professional artist. My work is now represented by galleries in NC, CA and VA and is included in private collections through out the world. When not in the studio I am supporting my local arts community by serving on the board of trustees for Fayetteville’s Arts Council. 

Contact Info


These are galleries that represent selections of my work.

Cheryl Watts Pottery & Gallery 417 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93943 (831)-655-0303

Leclair’s General Store 1212 Fort Bragg Road, Fayetteville NC 28305

MediaNoche 9200 Stoney Pointe Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235 (804)-335-0861

Glenn Allen Cultural Arts Center 2880 Mountain Road, Glenn Allen, VA 23060 (804)-261-6204

The Rocking Horse Gallery 803 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 (540-371-1894)


Here is a sampling of some of the press I have gotten over the years. It’s always exciting and humbling to see your name in print!

Here is my recent video clip from Our State Magazine!

And an article in the Fayetteville Observer!


10 thoughts on “About

  1. I adore your sight and your ‘bloomingstacker’ characters…. are you encouraging your visitors to name them?

    Can’t wait to see more 🙂

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for looking at my blog and leaving me such nice feedback!:) I am really glad you enjoyed them. Most of their little description have a portion about getting named because when I wrote an article about them for the magazine Art Doll Quarterly one of the tips I wrote was something like “If you come to own a Bloomingstacker I recommend naming them, they really do look forward to it.” I am hoping that the people that buy them will write me back and let me know what they name them. So far nobody has, but I keep hoping! 🙂 Thanks again and keep watching. I love making them so much I post new ones very often!

  2. I’m sitting in a hospital waiting room (Raeford, NC) waiting for a friend in surgery, and I couldn’t help but admire three of your images on the wall. I love the one called His Marshy Majesty. I was tempted to take a photo so I could share it with friends, but I didn’t want to infringe on your copyright. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to see these lovely pieces. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi! So glad you found my work. I hope it brought some comfort to your wait. If you would like feel free to share my website or Facebook page with your friends. That way they can see His Marshy Majesty! And if you ever want a piece for yourself I do have prints for sale. But mostly thanks so much for the nice note, it’s always nice to hear my work is enjoyed!

  3. We just discovered your paintings in Monterey, CA while visiting. We live in PA & we hoped to visit your studio some day! Keep up the great work!!

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