Toad Illustrations

I have heard over and over again that I should illustrate. It sounded like a great idea but I had never attempted to create one character and stick with it. Each piece I did had different characters, so I was a little or maybe a lot intimidated by the prospect of repetition. I also wantedContinue reading “Toad Illustrations”

Thanks Charlotte!

Well I had my last show in the Charlotte area for the next couple years. If I have to leave I am definitely leaving on a high note. We had absolutely perfect show weather-PERFECT! Mid 70’s, no rain, no wind. If only all shows could have weather like that.  After many shows of rain and windContinue reading “Thanks Charlotte!”

Moving Sale!!!

My husband was accepted to graduate school in CA. We didn’t think we would be moving until next summer-buuut his start date got changed. So we will be moving at the end of this November (yes a month and a couple weeks!) and will be living there for about a year and a half. IContinue reading “Moving Sale!!!”

Asheville Art Week

Mom, dogs and me all loaded up in the van and headed to Asheville for what was suppose to be two consecutive Art in the Park shows. The first Saturday was really cold and windy! I had the tent weighted, the walls zip tied and bungied to the tent and all the weight of theContinue reading “Asheville Art Week”

The ties that bind

-or “rabbity” for short:) I have one more painting to debut this Thursday! This piece is 16″x20″ with frame TBD. It is painted with watercolor over vintage letters from the 1950’s. The piece of yarn in the bottom left corner was tied to the letter in 1955-6. The woman who wrote the letter was makingContinue reading “The ties that bind”