First Blowing Rock Show

Well this weekend I had my first Blowing Rock show for the year. It was not a great show, but I did sell quite a few prints so it wasn’t a total loss. Plus it didn’t rain!! There wasn’t even a chance of rain! So that was fantastic. We stayed with friends for the showContinue reading “First Blowing Rock Show”

More Dragon’s

Well this is apparently the summer of the Dragonfly. I spent the long July 4th with family in Tennessee. Since most of the men of the family enjoy fishing and everyone else at leasts enjoys being outside on a beautiful day, we spent some time near a mountain lake. While they tried their best toContinue reading “More Dragon’s”

Seeing the trees among the forest

Everyone has heard some variant of the saying “can’t see the forest for the trees.” It makes a very valid point. But not seeing the trees for the forest can be just as grievous an error. Sometimes the forest can be overwhelming. Sometimes the forest has no charm or beauty. But the trees can haveContinue reading “Seeing the trees among the forest”

Tiny Beauties

While the show in GA didn’t result in many sales I did have the time to take a few photos. I always bring my camera with me, just in case. I was glad I did. Sunday morning (before the rain set in) my mom and I wandered through the show looking for tiny beauties.  Continue reading “Tiny Beauties”

Trains and Rain

Well first off I can not take credit for the title to this post. My show neighbor Stan, who is an awesome photographer, coined that phrase while we were packing our damp tents into damp trucks to what was the soundtrack of the show; screeching metal wheels on metal tracks and ear drum piercing trainContinue reading “Trains and Rain”

Merry Christmas

I know it is Christmas Eve but I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me this year. It has been a good  year and that wouldn’t have happened with out all the support and appreciation people have shown. So thankContinue reading “Merry Christmas”

Thanksgiving Break

I took a bit of a long Thanksgiving break. It was much needed and much enjoyed. I spent a lot of time photographing over break. I actually spent some time teaching my mom to take photos-off of the automatic setting that is. I have discovered in the past couple months I enjoy teaching people howContinue reading “Thanksgiving Break”

Fun at Fayetteville Botanical Garden

Before I began painting and going to art shows I used to spend a lot of time photographing. I carried my camera bag everywhere. It was my purse. I lugged a Nikon D300, two lenses, a flash, batteries and yes even a collapsible tri-pod-EVERYWHERE! I think it weighted at least 10 lbs. I thought ofContinue reading “Fun at Fayetteville Botanical Garden”